VetBadger - The practice management software that puts relationships first

Veterinarian Mental Health: The Customer Isn't Always Right

The long-trusted saying, “The customer is always right,” was a stalwart of practice management in pre-COVID times. There were often not enough clients to keep veterinary practices sustainably full, and client retention was crucial. Now, however, the landscape is different. Today’s clinics often have more work than they can handle, and protecting veterinarian mental health is critically important. It’s time to acknowledge that the customer isn’t always right.

At VetBadger, protecting your and your staff’s well-being is at the core of our platform. With clear processes that support client communication and staff autonomy, we help your team get ahead of problems. Claim your free demo today.

Veterinarian Mental Health: Handling Abusive Clients

Veterinarians can’t please all their clients all the time. This industry is inherently highly emotional for the workers and the clients, and tempers will rise under stress. However, abusive clients take these big feelings too far, risking your team’s mental health and raising the chances of total burnout at your practice. 

Knowing the emotional risk veterinarians and their staff face each day, we support you in saying, “The customer isn’t always right.” And while every practice needs a steady flow of clients to remain financially stable, you can guard yourself and your team while still protecting your bottom line. 

Angry Client

You don’t have to put up with abusive clients. These toxic relationships lead to mental and emotional distress that can quickly bring burnout.

So, here are some ways that VetBadger can help you be proactive in navigating these situations.

Establish clear, easily accessible team communication.

Client and practice management relies heavily on communication. From a potential client’s first call to your clinic, documentation is critical. Our platform funnels all communication directly into client records, allowing your entire team to see the history. 

If problems have already been happening with a particular client, your team members can see that when they take a call from a potentially difficult person. They will have all the previous communication at their fingertips to help avoid further confusion or confrontation. This documentation also helps protect your practice from inaccurate or defamatory statements from an angry client.

Integrate your customer satisfaction tracking.

VetBadger uses auto-generated customer satisfaction surveys to gather feedback from your clients. By monitoring and tracking these, you and your team can discover potential conflicts before they escalate. When unsatisfactory survey results pop up on your radar, you can proactively address the client’s concerns. 

Happy Pet Owner with Doc

Most people simply want to feel seen and heard. When clients have a chance to vent their frustrations and feel that you’re paying attention, their intense feelings can dissipate. 

Flag and anticipate hostile clients.

All the communication and attentiveness in the world might not work for some clients. We can be as proactive and compassionate as possible and still face these toxic situations.

In the VetBadger platform, you and your staff can flag any clients who have created issues in the past. This advance warning allows everyone to prepare emotionally and mentally for the client. 

It also gives you an overview of the behaviors as you determine whether you can continue serving them. If a legal problem ever arises regarding a client’s behavior, you also have a clear track record for reference.

Support Your Clients by Supporting Your Team

Gone are the days of the client always being right. That mentality isn’t sustainable for a healthy veterinary staff or practice. By partnering with VetBadger to support yourself and your team, you stay in the driver’s seat in client relationships. 

You’ll protect your well-being and your staff’s confidence, emotional wellness, and job satisfaction. And all of these pieces guard your bottom line so you can keep doing the work you love. Claim your free demo today to see how we can help.